The innovative application of proven technology
CSCC® technology is the most cost effective solution to increase the share of renewable energy in any power generation mix due to its predictability of dispatch, low cap-ex, high efficiency, embedded flexibility and high utilisation rate.
Ramp rate of 10% capacity per minute; comparable with CCGTs
Able to provide balancing and enhanced frequency response
Net electrical efficiency to the grid >41
No trade-off between production of electricity and heat
Modular construction, pre-assembled packages, no turbine island
Pre-fabricated to allow on site assembly of containerised equipment
Exceeds requirements for sulphur, NOx and particulates
Unique low temperature, high CO2 content of flue gas, with reserved space for selected CCS technology
Castle European has developed the proprietary Co-integrated Steam and Compression Cycle (CSCC®) thermal cycle. The CSCC® cycle is deployed in its new and innovative BioFlex®160 CSCC® power plant, a 160MWe biomass fired power plant that is modular and standardised. The CSCC® power plant includes only leading edge equipment with a proven track record of operation and supplied by world class vendors.
This new cycle significantly exceeds the efficiency of a simple steam cycle when converting fuels with biomass properties to electricity. It responds to the volatility of fuel qualities and facilitates the active optimisation of processes that co-integrate into a comprehensive power plant for flexible dispatchable generation.
I understand that CSCC® Technology is designed only for use with sustainable biomass. Sustainable biomass is where the rate of growth exceeds the rate of harvest. Principles of sustainable biomass are available from a variety of sources including the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. By accessing this site, you understand that the deployment of CSCC® Technology will be in line with these or similar principles.